Rank and organization: Staff Sergeant (then Sgt.),
U.S. Army, Company A, 2d Battalion (Airborne), 503d Infantry, 173d
Airborne Brigade (Separate). Place and date: Republic of Vietnam, 29
June 1966. Entered service at: Roanoke, Va. Born: 29 December 1931,
Carroll County, Va. C.O. No.: 51, 14 December 1967.
Citation... For conspicuous gallantry and
intrepidity at the risk of his life above and beyond the call of
duty. Seeing indications of the enemy's presence in the area, S/Sgt.
Morris deployed his squad and continued forward alone to make a
reconnaissance. He unknowingly crawled within 20 meters of an enemy
machinegun, whereupon the gunner fired, wounding him in the chest.
S/Sgt. Morris instantly returned the fire and killed the gunner.
Continuing to crawl within a few feet of the gun, he hurled a
grenade and killed the remainder of the enemy crew. |
Although in pain and bleeding profusely,
S/Sgt. Morris continued his reconnaissance. Returning to the
platoon area, he reported the results of his reconnaissance to
the platoon leader. As he spoke, the platoon came under heavy
fire. Refusing medical attention for himself, he deployed his
men in better firing positions confronting the entrenched enemy
to his front. Then for 8 hours the platoon engaged the
numerically superior enemy force. Withdrawal was impossible
without abandoning many wounded and dead. Finding the platoon
medic dead, S/Sgt. Morris administered first aid to himself and
was returning to treat the wounded members of his squad with the
medic's first aid kit when he was again wounded. Knocked down
and stunned, he regained consciousness and continued to treat
the wounded, reposition his men, and inspire and encourage their
efforts. Wounded again when an enemy grenade shattered his left
hand, nonetheless he personally took up the fight and armed and
threw several grenades which killed a number of enemy soldiers.
Seeing that an enemy machinegun had maneuvered behind his
platoon and was delivering the fire upon his men, S/Sgt. Morris
and another man crawled toward the gun to knock it out. His
comrade was killed and S/Sgt. Morris sustained another wound,
but, firing his rifle with 1 hand, he silenced the enemy
machinegun. Returning to the platoon, he courageously exposed
himself to the devastating enemy fire to drag the wounded to a
protected area, and with utter disregard for his personal safety
and the pain he suffered, he continued to lead and direct the
efforts of his men until relief arrived. Upon termination of the
battle, important documents were found among the enemy dead
revealing a planned ambush of a Republic of Vietnam battalion.
Use of this information prevented the ambush and saved many
lives. S/Sgt. Morris' gallantry was instrumental in the
successful defeat of the enemy, saved many lives, and was in the
highest traditions of the U.S. Army. | |