Rank and organization: Second Lieutenant, U.S. Marine Corps, 3d Force Reconnaissance Company, 3d Reconnaissance Battalion, 3d Marine Division (Rein), FMF. Place and date: Quang
Tri Province, Republic of Vietnam, 16 February 1968. Entered service
at: New York Born: 6 July 1945, Corpus Christi, Tex.
Citation... For conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity at the
risk of his life above and beyond the call of duty as a platoon
commander with the 3d Force Reconnaissance Company. While on a
long-range reconnaissance mission, 2d Lt. Graves' 8-man patrol
observed 7 enemy soldiers approaching their position. Reacting
instantly, he deployed his men and directed their fire on the
approaching enemy. |
After the fire had ceased, he and 2 patrol members commenced
a search of the area, and suddenly came under a heavy volume of
hostile small arms and automatic weapons fire from a numerically
superior enemy force. When 1 of his men was hit by the enemy
fire, 2d Lt. Graves moved through the fire-swept area to his
radio and, while directing suppressive fire from his men,
requested air support and adjusted a heavy volume of artillery
and helicopter gunship fire upon the enemy. After attending the
wounded, 2d Lt. Graves, accompanied by another marine, moved
from his relatively safe position to confirm the results of the
earlier engagement. Observing that several of the enemy were
still alive, he launched a determined assault, eliminating the
remaining enemy troops. He then began moving the patrol to a
landing zone for extraction, when the unit again came under
intense fire which wounded 2 more marines and 2d Lt. Graves.
Refusing medical attention, he once more adjusted air strikes
and artillery fire upon the enemy while directing the fire of
his men. He led his men to a new landing site into which he
skillfully guided the incoming aircraft and boarded his men
while remaining exposed to the hostile fire. Realizing that 1 of
the wounded had not embarked, he directed the aircraft to depart
and, along with another marine, moved to the side of the
casualty. Confronted with a shortage of ammunition, 2d Lt.
Graves utilized supporting arms and directed fire until a second
helicopter arrived. At this point, the volume of enemy fire
intensified, hitting the helicopter and causing it to crash
shortly after liftoff. All aboard were killed. 2d Lt. Graves'
outstanding courage, superb leadership and indomitable fighting
spirit throughout the day were in keeping with the highest
traditions of the Marine Corps and the U.S. Naval Service. He
gallantly gave his life for his country. | |