Evans, Donald W., Jr. |
Rank and organization: Specialist Fourth Class,
U.S. Army, Company A, 2d Battalion, 12 Infantry, 4th Infantry
Division. Place and date: Tri Tam, Republic of Vietnam, 27 January
1967. Entered service at: Covina, Calif. Born: 23 July 1943, Covina,
Citation... For conspicuous gallantry and
intrepidity in action at the risk of his life above and beyond the
call of duty. He left his position of relative safety with his
platoon which had not yet been committed to the battle to answer the
calls for medical aid from the wounded men of another platoon which
was heavily engaged with the enemy force. Dashing across 100 meters
of open area through a withering hail of enemy fire and exploding
grenades, he administered lifesaving treatment to 1 individual and
continued to expose himself to the deadly enemy fire as he moved to
treat each of the other wounded men and to offer them encouragement. |
Realizing that the wounds of 1 man required immediate attention, Sp4c. Evans dragged the injured soldier back across the dangerous fire-swept area, to a secure position from which he could be further evacuated Miraculously escaping the enemy fusillade, Sp4c. Evans returned to the forward location. As he continued the treatment of the wounded, he was struck by fragments from an enemy grenade. Despite his serious and painful injury he succeeded in evacuating another wounded comrade, rejoined his platoon as it was committed to battle and was soon treating other wounded soldiers. As he evacuated another wounded man across the fire covered field, he was severely wounded. Continuing to refuse medical attention and ignoring advice to remain behind, he managed with his waning strength to move yet another wounded comrade across the dangerous open area to safety. Disregarding his painful wounds and seriously weakened from profuse bleeding, he continued his lifesaving medical aid and was killed while treating another wounded comrade. Sp4c. Evan's extraordinary valor, dedication and indomitable spirit saved the lives of several of his fellow soldiers, served as an inspiration to the men of his company, were instrumental in the success of their mission, and reflect great credit upon himself and the Armed Forces of his country. | |