Hudner, Thomas Jerome, Jr. |
Rank and organization: Lieutenant (J.G.) U.S.
Navy, pilot in Fighter Squadron 32, attached to U.S.S. Leyte. Place
and date: Chosin Reservoir area of Korea, 4 December 1950. Entered
service at: Fall River, Mass. Born: 31 August 1924, Fall River,
Citation... For conspicuous gallantry and
intrepidity at the risk of his life above and beyond the call of
duty as a pilot in Fighter Squadron 32, while attempting to rescue a
squadron mate whose plane struck by antiaircraft fire and trailing
smoke, was forced down behind enemy lines. Quickly maneuvering to
circle the downed pilot and protect him from enemy troops infesting
the area, Lt. (J.G.) Hudner risked his life to save the injured
flier who was trapped alive in the burning wreckage. |
Fully aware of the extreme danger in landing on
the rough mountainous terrain and the scant hope of escape or
survival in subzero temperature, he put his plane down skillfully in
a deliberate wheels-up landing in the presence of enemy troops. With
his bare hands, he packed the fuselage with snow to keep the flames
away from the pilot and struggled to pull him free. Unsuccessful in
this, he returned to his crashed aircraft and radioed other airborne
planes, requesting that a helicopter be dispatched with an ax and
fire extinguisher. He then remained on the spot despite the
continuing danger from enemy action and, with the assistance of the
rescue pilot, renewed a desperate but unavailing battle against
time, cold, and flames. Lt. (J.G.) Hudner's exceptionally valiant
action and selfless devotion to a shipmate sustain and enhance the
highest traditions of the U.S. Naval Service. | |