Remembering September 11th, 2001 with Patriotism (September 18, 2006) | 
| When I remember back to that fateful day of 9/11/2001, I still have some deep emotions that were ingrained in my mind that day from watching this event unfold. This became one day that I would never forget. I feel that if you are a citizen of "The Land of The Free, And Home of the Brave", whether you seen this on TV or the news yourself, or just read it in the newspaper, you should never forget it yourself.
I was at home on that morning, and my daughter-in-law called and asked if I had on the TV? And I answered yes; I have it on the Today Show. I usually have the TV on in the mornings, with the sound turned low as I prepare for the days events. She commented to me that a plane had just crashed into one of the World Trade Center buildings, and I told her that the Today Show had switched over to this about five minutes earlier.
I remember the commentary of the reporter covering the scene and the anchor trying to guess how this could have happened. They didn't have any details of the possible injuries in the building yet, or even what the flight number of the plane was.
Then in the few minutes that followed the information started trickling in, as the cameras were going between the impact area, and the ground where the emergency teams had started gathering. Then suddenly, a second plane hit the other tower!
At this point, pandemonium seemed to strike everywhere! You could see this through the news camera as people where scrambling everywhere and the ground, and in the voices of the new commentary as well. Then to me, it seemed only a short time later, the report came in on a plane crashing into the Pentagon!
I was more than glued to the TV set at this point. I had started taping these events on VHS shortly after the second plane hit the tower, because I seemed to know in my heart that this was no ordinary string of events, and that I was seeing and taping history in the making that day. Now the news cameras were being switched between these vents in New York City and Washington DC.
Then, the reporter commented that the FAA had issued a release, that all aircraft was being contacted and grounded everywhere in the continental. At this point, the commentary topic turned to conspiracy, and who was behind this set of very tragic events.
Then what seemed to be a matter of only a few minutes later a report came in on the news wire that flight 93 heading to California had reversed their heading over Ohio, and the pilot's were not answering the radio, or making any attempt to land the plane as ordered!
I could not believe what I was hearing and seeing for myself, and this tragic day kept unfolding, and I was seeing it first hand! Even though I was awake, it seemed like a bad dream, or more like a nightmare! What evil mind could have come up with, and orchestrated these occurrences?
Another report came in on the crash of flight 93 somewhere in Pennsylvania. I knew deep down in my mind and heart that is had to be an act of war, and I started feeling very uneasy with my own thoughts about these events, that I maybe witnessing the beginning of World War III, because I also majored in U.S. History, and knew that whoever was behind this would pay dearly. Our country would not just turn the other cheek, but would slap back!
At the beginning of the following year, my church gave a tribute to this day, and I volunteered my video tape footage as my contribution to this event. It was a very fitting tribute and a since of awl and deep respect was felt by everyone that attended. Personally, I thought that this feeling of unity that came about from September 11th, 2001 had changed this government and its people permanently. I felt that we were on a new era as a people and government that would ultimately be better for us all.
But the second year after, as the months passed, it seems to me that many people started becoming less concern about the events of this day in our history. Life reverted somewhat back to the norm, as it was before September 11, 2001 in the sense that people's personal problems, prejudices, and party politics came back into play as their primary concerns. The solidarity that we unanimously held as a country and a people from the events of September 11th quickly began eroding, and in the following years to come completely disappeared.
I just don't personally understand how this could happen to us as a people. Where did the patriotism and our sense of unity that was felt by each and every one of us seem to go? Suddenly it dawned on me, thinking back to what I was taught in studying World and history that ancient adage that I learned, "History repeats itself". Why is this statement true? Because from generation to generation mankind doesn't seem to learn from some of there mistakes! Now, I have personally witnessed this first hand for myself from September 11, 2001 to the present day, how true this adage can be for us.
I can only pray that these words above will re-invoke a sense of patriotism and unity, as a country, and a people, that all of us held so closely to our hearts and minds after such a tragic occurrence as September 11th 2001 was in our history.
Family-eStore will try to provide you with articles of interest to a Christian and patriotic way of life. This article was written by Steven E Coffman (Owner) of, (National Essay Contest) winner 1969. I praise God for my gifts and His grace, mercy, and blessings that I receive from Him. The Christian articles are only intended to bring you closer in your relationship to our Father in heaven. The Patriotic Article are only intended to show pride and patriotism to our “Land of the free and home of the brave, (The United States of America). I hope that you enjoy and are enlightened by them. | Steven Coffman Family-eStore Copyright 2006Comment on this article |