MARINE CORPS BASE CAMP PENDLETON, Calif. (12-6-2011) – Locating
and firing at moving targets is difficult for any sniper; doing it
from the door of a Navy Sikorsky HH-60H Rescue Hawk in flight is a
new challenge for these Marines.
 Gunnery Sgt. Jakub Biziorek, the platoon sergeant for the sniper platoon, Headquarters and Support Company, 2nd Battalion, 1st Marine Regiment, listens to his spotter as he points out different targets for him to sight in on while flying in a Navy Sikorsky HH-60H Rescue Hawk over Camp Horno, Nov. 29, 2011. The spotters learned the importance of communication from this type of training because they have to be in constant contact with the shooter, crew chief and pilot to give the shooter the best opportunity for accuracy. Photo by
USMC Cpl. Jeremy Fasci
Marines from the sniper platoon, Headquarters and Support Company,
2nd Battalion, 1st Marine Regiment, took a rare opportunity to fly
over Camp Horno to practice target allocation and sighting-in on the
move, Nov. 29, in preparation for their upcoming deployment with the
31st Marine Expeditionary Unit, based out of Okinawa, Japan.
“We linked up with some Navy 60s, sending a spotter and shooter on
each of the aircraft to practice employing ourselves from an aerial
asset, which is something that we do, but that we don't get an
opportunity to practice very often,” said 2nd Lt. Francis Coppola,
sniper platoon commander, H&S Company, 2nd Bn., 1st Marines.
Marines assisting with the exercise were dressed like insurgents,
walking and driving through the camp, giving the snipers a target to
find. The urban terrain made it difficult to find and sight-in on
these targets because of the many obstacles that arise in an urban
environment. |
“It's difficulty depends on the pilot. There has to be
good communication between the spotter, crew chief and
pilot,” said Gunnery Sgt. Jakub Biziorek, sniper platoon
sergeant, H&S Company, 2nd Bn., 1st Marines. “If the pilot
knows what he's doing and there is good communication with
the sniper, it will actually be a pretty good shot.”
Having more opportunities to practice these types of
scenarios gives the Marines from the platoon extra practice
and allows them to try new ways of doing things. One of the
variables being tested was the different variation of rifle
platforms the Marines were using.
“There are a few different
variations we can do, and since this is a dry run we are
trying to do different things; and whatever works for us, we
will continue to use on the MEU,” said Biziorek, 36, from
Boca Raton, Fla.
While some Marines gained experience
looking through the scope and notionally pulling the
trigger, others honed their observation and communication
skills as spotters. The spotter is a vital asset for a
shooter on the ground or in a helicopter. On the ground, he
locates targets and relays them to the shooter; but in the
air, he plays an additional role.
“I think the
spotter should be just as experienced as the shooter,” said
Biziorek. “He does most of the work, he's looking for
targets and communicating with the crew chief and the pilot.
All the shooter really does is apply marksmanship skills and
take out the target.”
This type of training took them
out of their normal environment and even beyond what they
may have learned going through sniper school.
these guys are definitely observing what we do. This kind of
shoot is an advanced shoot, it's not even something they do
in sniper school,” said Biziorek. “For the new guys it's
definitely important for them to see how the rig is set up
because they are going to be doing something like that for
the next deployment when they become team leaders.”
By USMC Cpl. Jeremy Fasci 1st Marine Division
through DVIDS Copyright 2011
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