The Picture Of Marines: Past And Present
(March 5, 2010) |
| NEW YORK (MCN, 3/2/2010) — For a civilian it's a source of
inspiration. For a photographer it's a dynamic study of
composition and structure. For a historian it inspires
debates on amphibious tactics and whether an island a third
the size of Manhattan should have been bypassed in favor of
other objectives. |
Associated Press photographer Joe Rosenthal's photo of the flag raising on Iwo Jima is arguably the most famous news photograph in history. The original photo negative, which was taken Feb. 23, 1945, is preserved in the archives of the AP in New York. |
"It's arguably the most famous news photograph ever taken, maybe the most famous
photograph period," said Chuck Zoeller, a 23-year veteran of the Associated
Press. Many of those years have been working with and caring for the photograph.
According to Chuck, Joe Rosenthal's Pulitzer Prize winning photo of the flag
raising on Iwo Jima holds a very special place for those at the AP.
For a Marine, it's more like the Holy Grail.
Or at least, it feels that way, ascending to the 15th floor of the AP's New York
The original film negative is a long way from its place of birth on hot, sandy
Iwo Jima. Deep within the AP's photo archive is a reinforced metal gate. Never
mind that I had passed through a security checkpoint in the lobby, and been
escorted through several electronically locked doors; the gate bore a
substantial padlock.
"They get choked up when they see that negative," Chuck tells me of other Marine
I felt underdressed. I half expected to see the film in some ornate display.
The photo of five Marines and their Navy Corpsman raising the flag on Mt.
Suribachi is clothed in no such gaudiness. Its light-brown cardboard box has a
white label that runs left to right. Tiny metal rings reinforce its corners. In
the fluorescent light, to me, the line of rings looks like scarlet piping.
I'm reminded of my dad, who not only was a Gunny but who was born on the same
day the photo was taken, explaining to me when I was young why Marine uniforms
don't have all the pins, badges and stuff that other military uniforms have.
Marines don't need all that junk, he told me. He said to Marines, having nothing
more than the eagle globe and anchor on the uniform was enough. He did admit
that my Mother was fond of his dress blues.
I'm jerked from my thoughts by the sound of the light board turning on. The
negative is now brightly lit from below, taking on a glowing, other-worldly
As I focus on the image with my camera, I'm struck by how clearly I see
things-but not the things I expected.
I have seen the picture thousands of times. The image that represents me, my
father, all the Marines I've admired, learned from, and led is flawed. It has
rust spots, chips and scars.
I try to appreciate the blemishes and keep taking pictures. I feel frustrated
because no matter what perspective or view I take there's a reflection of me in
the photo.
Sometimes the story you look for isn't the one you find.
I had gone into the AP like it was a shrine. I expected some sort of spiritual
experience that would mark my soul by being in the presence of greatness and
history. When I left, I felt cheated. The only new things I saw were blemishes
and reflections.
It's easy to see great lessons of the Corps in the photo. It shows a group a
warriors working together. They're striving toward a common goal, much greater
than themselves. They are so close they almost merge into one.
You can see leadership in the photo as well. Marines have their hands right on
another's, helping each other with the burden.
Yes, you can see blemishes too. And maybe some reflections.
But you don't have to look at the photo for that and I didn't have to go to the
AP to see it.
You can see this all right next to you. Look no further than to the Marine to
the left and right of you and you'll see it. Inspiration, in spite of blemishes;
courage in spite of scars.
When you look at Rosenthal's photograph, I hope you see your Marines. When you
look at your Marines maybe you'll see a piece of that famous photo.
If you have a picture of one of them near your desk or in your shop, why not put
a picture of the other next to it. Both are inspirational. |
Article and photo by USMC Sgt. W. J. Ferris
1st Marine Corps District
Copyright 2010
Reprinted from
Marine Corps News
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