Lance Cpl. Javarre Glanton Recruits and leaders of Platoon 2090, Echo Company, 2nd Recruit Training Battalion, run in formation
on Sept. 19, 2011. The three flags the recruits carry identify the platoon as the honor platoon. Photo
by USMC Lance Cpl. Javarre Glanton |
PARRIS ISLAND, S.C. (9/22/2011) -- During the final nine-mile
hike of the Crucible, going from Page Field to the Marine Corps War
Memorial, each recruit company stops to rest one final time before
earning the title Marine.
It is at this time the platoon's
guidon, or the flag that bears the unit's identification number, is
withheld from them until the finish of the hike, wherein drill
instructors place each platoon's guidon in front of the weary
recruits. While most platoons are presented their respective guidon,
one platoon proudly receives three, representing their platoon,
series and company, identifying them as the company's honor platoon.
Honor platoons gain the title by winning various competitions
between the platoons in a single company. The platoons are graded as
a whole on six different events, including Initial drill, Final
drill, a written test in Marine Corps knowledge, rifle range scores
and the physical and combat fitness tests. |
Throughout the entire training cycle, the platoons of each
company are told how important it is to strive for the
“You have to explain to them that it's not just about
getting honor platoon,” said Staff Sgt. Emilio Moran, senior
drill instructor of Platoon 3074, Kilo Company, 3rd Recruit
Training Battalion. “I tell them that you don't have to put
out 100 percent just because I said to – you have to want it
for yourself.”
Moran, a five-time honor platoon
winner, led his Marines to once again be recognized during
the pass in review on the company's Family Day.
tell my recruits that everything in the Marine Corps is
about competition,” explained the 29-year-old Brooklyn,
N.Y., native. “At the end of the day, I don't care about
honor platoon – I want them to look in the mirror at the end
of the day and be able to say, ‘I gave it my all.'”
Through the teamwork of up to 80 strangers, the platoons are
inspired by the experiences they have shared with their
fellow recruits or Marines.
“I was actually surprised
that we got it,” said 18-year-old Pfc. Joshua Pent, guide of
Platoon 3074, Kilo Company, 3rd RTBn. “We finally came
together and worked as a team and that paid off when we
found out.
“It was kind of hard to focus on what we
had to do next because we were so excited. It seemed we were
actually at the bottom during the beginning. As a platoon,
the events brought us together,” said Pent, of Hollywood,
Fla. “When we finally realized it wasn't about us anymore,
we banded together and that's how we did it.”