Members of Team Shaw's Honor Guard, work as a team folding the flag at Shaw Air Force Base, S.C., Jan. 23, 2012. Shaw's Honor Guard provides funeral service details, and other services to four states, 75 counties, and approximately five million residents. Photo by Senior Airman Neil Warner
SHAW AIR FORCE BASE, S.C. (1/27/2011) -- What would make you want to
fill someone else's shoes? For Tech. Sgt. Rachel Hill, Shaw's new
Honor Guard non-commissioned officer in charge, it was her
grandfather's funeral.
Hill is a Columbia, S.C., native who
originally enlisted in the Army before joining the Air Force in
2006. Out of her ten years of service, six were spent serving as
apart of an honor guard unit.
As a young Airman, she
witnessed a series of disturbing events during her grandfather's
funeral which inspired to join the honor guard.
Hill watched
in disappointment as the service concluded with her grandfather's
flag needing to be refolded three times. After witnessing such a
poor performance by the honor guard detail who presided over her
grandfather's funeral, Hill was motivated to take action. |
She later joined her base honor guard while stationed
at McEntire Air Force Base, S.C., and immediately strived to
set the bar for standards, conduct and discipline among her
unit. Her selection as NCOIC of the Shaw Honor Guard was
based on her long term experience and knowledge, according
to Hill.
“I'm excited to have the opportunity of
filling such an important role for the Shaw Honor Guard,”
Hill said, “I plan to lead by example and pass along
knowledge that I've gained from my experiences over the
As Hill begins to settle into her new
position, she said, she's now starting to realize just how
vast her responsibilities are, as NCOIC.
“The area we
provide our services for is rather immense,” Hill explains.
“Shaw's Honor Guard provides funeral service details, and
other services to four states, 75 counties, and
approximately five million residents, we have to be on our
game at all times.”
Recently, Hill and her team
traveled to Columbia to provided funeral detail services to
a Vietnam veteran who passed away. Hill led the detail with
two of her airmen as they rendered the proper services and
respect due.
“It's such a great opportunity for us to
work with an NCO that has so much experience,” said Airman
1st Vernon Rogers “Sgt. Hill's performance during today's
funeral detail was stellar. She really sets the standard.”
Hill feels fortunate to have such a great group of
airmen who are passionate about what they do and are willing
to learn, she said.
“Master Sgt. Jimmy Counts was my
predecessor,” Hill said “And he left some big shoes to fill,
but I look forward to working with my airmen and exceeding
the standard.”
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By USAF Senior Airman Neil Warner 20th Fighter Wing Public Affairs
through DVIDS Copyright 2012
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