As a unique instrument of national security, the U.S. Coast Guard
works in a broad spectrum of areas to secure America's maritime
borders and protect U.S. interests at home and abroad, Coast Guard
Commandant Adm. Paul F. Zukunft told reporters on April 12, 2017.
The Coast Guard, which has more than 40,000 active duty members,
7,000 reservists and 8,500 civilians, is the only branch of the U.S.
armed forces that has broad law enforcement authorities, Zukunft
explained to a roundtable of the Defense Writers Group, a nonprofit
association of defense reporters.

February 12, 2017 - Crew members aboard the U.S. Coast Guard Cutter Munro, a 418-foot national security cutter, and its small boat transit the Gulf of Mexico. National security cutters allow crews to protect U.S. borders.
(U.S. Coast Guard photo by Seaman Courtney Fussell)
With a portfolio of more than 60 bilateral agreements,
the Coast Guard, which falls under the Department of
Homeland Security, has a jurisdiction that extends
throughout the world, he said.
"We are truly a global
Coast Guard as we look at transnational threats," he said.
"If you are in one of these [criminal] organizations, the
last thing you want to see is a ship that says 'U.S. Coast
Guard' on the side of its hull."
Coast Guard had assets off the coast of each of the seven
continents earlier this year, the admiral pointed out. On
any given day, 20 Coast Guard ships are supporting the U.S.
combatant commands, he said.
In addition, the Coast
Guard operates throughout the United States to safeguard
waterways, protect infrastructure and provide maritime
security, he said.
Intercepting Drugs, Targeting
Criminal Networks
The Coast Guard, in partnership
with interagency and international allies, interdicted a
record amount of cocaine in the last year -- 201 metric
tons, Zukunft said.
The cocaine from Colombia was
destined for the No. 1 consumer of the drug -- the United
States, he said. Stopping the flow not only protects
Americans, he added, but also helps to prevent
destabilization in Central America, since traffickers route
the drug through that region.
"We have awareness of
about over 80 percent of the maritime flow of drugs in the
eastern Pacific, where most of it takes place," Zukunft
said, pointing out that trafficking also occurs in the
Caribbean Sea.
But, even with its vigilance, the
Coast Guard has finite resources to intercept suspect
vessels, the admiral told the defense writers. In addition
to drug trafficking, he said, security concerns include
human trafficking, migrants at sea, illegal fishing and the
emergence of nonstate actors.
Likening it to
spreading peanut butter on bread, Zukunft said the Coast
Guard could previously deploy its assets and resources
evenly across the board. Now, he said, the Coast Guard has
to carefully assign where its resources go.
"But at
the end of the day, we still have to stack peanut butter
where we see the most persistent threat that is a threat to
our national security," he added.
Modernizing Fleet,
Budget Concerns
The Coast Guard is looking to build
out of its fleet of 58 fast-response cutters, and to add a
ninth national security cutter. Additionally, the service is
looking to build out of a fleet of three heavy and three
medium icebreakers for operations in the polar regions,
where the Coast Guard projects U.S. sovereignty and assures
access, the admiral said.
"The good news is we are
modernizing the fleet, but it's that annual operating and
maintenance account that you have to get very creative,"
Zukunft said. "Where we're seeing the most pain is we defer
a lot of our shore maintenance; that backlog continues to
Zukunft said his greatest concern right now is
to have budget certainty and not temporary funding measures;
the current continuing resolution that funds the government
runs through April 28.
"Maybe we'll see a short
extension of that, but if we don't have an appropriation in
2017, I will have to shut down operations," he said, adding
that will affect readiness. "This is not the time to
sideline any military service, including the Coast Guard,
but that's what a [continuing resolution] would do."
By Lisa Ferdinando
News Copyright 2017
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