If you are interested in finding out if the U.S. Coast Guard
Academy is the right college to attend, you should consider
attending the Academy Introduction Mission known as AIM.
is the nation's most realistic service academy summer program as it
challenges and inspires rising high school seniors interested in
serving their country and exploring technical degree programs.
During six action packed days, you'll immerse yourself in Coast
Guard tradition and Academy life with cadet leaders.
current Coast Guard cadet-athletes reflected on their time at AIM
and all agreed the program is a true representation of what life is
like at the Coast Guard Academy.
 Members of the AIM program are taught basic navigation and
seamanship principles during sailing programs during the AIM week. (U.S. Coast Guard courtesy photo)
“I would recommend AIM to a prospective cadet to have
them have a taste before they buy the whole thing, meaning
if they are thinking about applying to the Academy they
should know what they are getting into before actually
committing,” said Cadet Fourth Class Anita Green, a member
of the women's cross country and track and field team. “It's
not easy, it's not always fun, however it is rewarding.”
Cadet Fourth Class Garrett Magill, a member of the men's
soccer team, credits AIM with his desire to attend the
“I wasn't sure if the military lifestyle was
for me,” said Magill. “I don't come from a military family,
so AIM was my first real exposure to the life of a cadet. I
was nervous about swab summer, but after going through AIM I
had assured myself that I could finish swab summer. It was
the major spark that fueled my desire to be a part of the
corps of cadets.”
“AIM was an awesome experience and it is safe to say that
if I was never an AIMster I probably wouldn't be a cadet right now,”
said Magill. “For a high school student, figuring out which college
to attend is the most important decision they will be forced to
make. Being a part of the AIM program will open your eyes to all the
academy has to offer, and ultimately it will help you narrow down
your college decision.”
Cadet Fourth Class Anthony Wyler, a
member of the men's lacrosse team recalls his most memorable AIM
“We had to design and build robotic boats to perform
a variety of different tasks,” said Wyler. “I thought it was such a
neat experience having to perform a task with people that I have
never met before, yet to come together as a group and create a
robot. AIM gave me a very accurate preview of the hardships that I
would experience during swab summer. I was able to better prepare
myself for the challenges prior to the summer, which gave me an
advantage over some of my shipmates. It is very beneficial to
understand what the academy is about before applying.”
Attending AIM is intense. Students rate AIM as the most realistic
and most rewarding of the service academy summer programs.
 Students participating in the AIM program get a first look at
U.S. Coast Guard missions from recent graduates and nearby crews. (U.S. Coast Guard courtesy photo)
You rise early, you study, compete and create. You test your mind,
body and spirit as you build lasting friendships with students from
around the nation.
“Although the yelling, screaming, and
pushups were all memorable, my most memorable moment from AIM was
when we were able to speak with the cadre about their experiences in
the Coast Guard, why they chose to come to the Academy and why they
were AIM cadre specifically,” said Cadet Fourth Class Celia Marzinsky, a member of the women's swimming team. “One
of my cadre told me that the Academy was his only chance to get a
college education and that if he had not gotten in he would have
enlisted. In that moment I thought of how lucky I am to even have a
chance to visit the Academy let alone get an appointment.”
Green agreed recalling her most memorable moment as getting chance
to interact with the cadre.
“I still have a lot of vivid memories from AIM, however my most
memorable AIM moment is when we sat down and we got a chance to
actually interact with the cadre for the first time. We got to know
more about them, why they choose this academy over other academies
or other civilian colleges, what they loved most about the academy
and their most fondest memories while they've been here. It opened
my eyes to the academy and made me change my views about applying.”
The FIT workshop helps students participating in AIM develop a
realistic college game plan. U.S. Coast Guard photo.
workshop helps students participating in AIM develop a realistic
college game plan. U.S. Coast Guard photo.
AIM surely gets
you prepared for Swab Summer, a seven-week traditional military
indoctrination. It is designed to help young civilian students
transition into the lifestyle of Coast Guard Academy cadets. The
training process starts with general military skills and physical
conditioning. The training continues with seamanship, swimming and
academics. Through the process, students develop self-discipline,
military bearing and esprit de corps (the spirit of the corps). They
also begin to understand the Coast Guard's Core Values of honor,
respect and devotion to duty.
 Students work with cadet cadre, Engineering faculty, and
engineering mentors to design, build, and test a waterborne robotic
device able to perform Coast Guard missions. (U.S. Coast Guard courtesy photo)
“My AIM section was an
enormously accurate representation of Swab Summer than I would have
expected; we got ITed, (incentive training) we ran everywhere, we
“played” follower the leader, we took the PFE (physical fitness
exam), we played ICs (inner company sports) and we especially got
yelled at,” said Green. “So, by doing AIM I was prepared for the
stress of Swab Summer, I expected everything they throw at us which
was extremely helpful, however Swab Summer was by no mean “easy”
because of AIM, but it did mentally prepare me for what was to come
for a total of seven weeks.”
“When I arrived on R-day I felt
as if I had a leg up on everyone else,” said Magill. “I knew what to
expect, and because of AIM I came into the summer confident and
excited for the challenges that were sure to come.”
Learn more about
the Academy Introduction Mission
By Jason Southard, Sports Information Director
U.S. Coast Guard Academy
Guard Copyright 2016
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