Air Corps Staff Sgt. Leslie Edwards braced himself against
the roaring might of an F-22 Raptor as nearly 70,000 pounds
of thrust threatened to rip his signature red-and-black
Tuskegee Airmen cap from atop his head ... a dramatic change
from the propeller aircraft of his day.

Army Air Corps Staff Sgt. Leslie Edwards, a Tuskegee Airman of the
617th Bombardment Squadron, stands on a mound overlooking the
flightline as an F-22 Raptor of the 477th Fighter Group soars past
at Joint Base Elmendorf-Richardson, Alaska, Oct. 14, 2017. The 617th
Bombardment Squadron was one of four Tuskegee Airmen bomber
squadrons during World War II that made up the 477th Bombardment
Group. In 2007, the 477th Bombardment Group became the 477th Fighter
Group, bringing with it the legacy of Tuskegee airmen to Alaska.
(U.S. Air Force photo by Senior Airman Javier Alvarez)
On an
overgrown mound overlooking the flightline at
Joint Base Elmendorf-Richardson, Edwards watched the 44-foot
wingspan of the Raptor zoom by before soaring into the wild
blue yonder.
Edwards, a Tuskegee Airmen and the last
surviving member of the 477th Bombardment Group, looked on
as the F-22 – through its tail flash – continued the legacy
of his former unit. The changes in aircraft seem to mirror
the changes in society through the years. Breaking sound
barriers and breaking racial barriers have something in
“[The military] showed how to make it a
better nation,” Edwards said. “And a whole lot of other
institutions in America had an example of how we could live
better as human beings.”
Progress, however, can at
times be slow.
Edwards was born in August 1924 in
Memphis, Tennessee. Following his birth, his family migrated
to Ohio to escape the threat of the Ku Klux Klan.
“[Living in Memphis at the time], … a black man getting lynched
was a probability,” Edwards said.
But he would grow to
discover Ohio wasn’t too far from the old South; limitations, while
not as prevalent, were still in place. By 19, the industrious
Edwards had worked most of his life, performing any job that would
lead to an honest living.
“[Some were] dangerous jobs; and unhealthy jobs,” he said,
recalling working on the gut line in a meat packing plant. “There
were a lot of safety hazards. [They weren’t] jobs that caused
anybody to have respect.”
Edwards discovered he
would be joining the military in 1943. Uncle Sam, with the postman’s
notice, drafted him into the selective service.
It was in military training Edwards
realized his potential, and even his preconceived ideas of
inferiority were proven wrong.
Through will,
perseverance and the support of his contemporaries, Edwards
completed his training. And because of his commitment and
attention to detail, he would later be hand-selected by
then-Col. Benjamin Davis and put in charge of four B-25
Mitchell bombers.
“There were a lot of guys around
me who saw there was something about me that I didn’t know I
had,” Edwards said. “They saw I had potential, and they let
me know I could do it. See, I had conditioned myself to
think I was a low achiever. Now I’m taking training that’s
telling me I’m not a low achiever.”
Following his
training, Edwards traveled to his first duty station as part
of an integrated squadron tasked with fighting alongside
Chinese service members in the Pacific. White or black – it
was not a question of color, but ability.

Army Air Corps Staff Sgt. Leslie Edwards, a Tuskegee Airman of the
617th Bombardment Squadron, tours the 302d Fighter Squadron at Joint
Base Elmendorf-Richardson, Alaska, Oct. 14, 2017. The 617th
Bombardment Squadron was one of four Tuskegee Airmen bomber
squadrons during World War II that made up the 477th Bombardment
Group. In 2007, the 477th Bombardment Group became the 477th Fighter
Group, bringing with it the legacy of Tuskegee airmen to Alaska.
(U.S. Air Force photo by Senior Airman Javier Alvarez)
“I knew when I got the notice that my wife was going to
give birth,” he said. “And I knew I would probably not be
around when my first child would be born. I let them know I
didn’t like it, but they said, ‘we don’t care about what you
Poked and prodded, tested and re-tested,
after a series of evaluations Edwards discovered he would be
heading to Sheppard Field, Texas, to train as an aircraft
mechanic. Although he was combating racism at home, he would
train to fight fascism abroad.
“They started
selecting a few blacks to fit in the Air Corps,” Edwards
said. ... “That’s what they did – fit blacks into the
experiment to see the reason they would fail. But they
didn’t fail.”
“It was a good fit,” he said. “[The white Airmen] knew how to get
it. They didn’t hesitate. … We were having so much appreciation for
each other as mechanics.”
At day’s end, when the sun was set
and the tools were packed, mechanics did as mechanics are wont to
do, and beers would be cracked open, toasting a job well done.
But the good times would come to an end as the call for
segregation came; Edwards was transferred to the 477th Bombardment
“The order came down that we had to separate the
whites from the blacks,” Edwards said. “That was one of the worst
things that ever happened in my military career.”
its history, the 477th BG hit racial barriers unlike any other U.S.
military outfit in World War II. Low morale and leadership with
segregationist attitudes ultimately led to the darkest day in the
unit’s history – the “Freeman Field Mutiny.”
“I was there,” Edwards said.
Black officers at
Freeman Field, Indiana, were denied entry into recreational
facilities, and in a peaceful act of defiance, groups of
black officers attempted to enter one of the segregated
Then-lieutenants Roger Terry and Coleman
Young devised a plan to send black officers three at a time.
In this fashion the officers attempted to enter, and were
subsequently arrested. The total reached 103 by day’s end.

Army Air Corps Staff Sgt. Leslie Edwards, a Tuskegee Airman of the
617th Bombardment Squadron, speaks with historians at Joint Base
Elmendorf-Richardson, Alaska, Oct. 14, 2017. The 617th Bombardment
Squadron was one of the four Tuskegee Airmen bomber squadrons during
WWII that made up the 477th Bombardment Group. In 2007, the 477th
Bombardment Group became the 477th Fighter Group, bringing with it
the legacy of Tuskegee Airmen to Alaska. (U.S. Air Force photo by
Senior Airman Curt Beach)
“They knew the regulation,” Edwards said.
“Regulation 210-10, paragraph 19, makes it clear that on a
military base you cannot restrict any officer from any
recreational activity that was available for officers.”
Of the more than 100 arrests made, only three men were
court-martialed; two were instantly acquitted. Terry was
found guilty of “jostling” an officer. He was fined $150,
reduced in rank and dishonorably discharged.
50 years would pass following Terry’s conviction, before the
U.S. Army pardoned him, restored his rank and gave him back
his $150.
In a 2005 interview, Terry famously said,
“It told me that after 50 years, after 70 years, after 100
years, if you’re right, you can be vindicated – because
we’re a nation of laws.”
Following the mutiny, the
477th BG was moved from Indiana to Godman Field in Kentucky.
It has been said that this act of civil disobedience was
instrumental in President Truman issuing Executive Order
9981, which desegregated the U.S. military.
doesn’t matter whether you’re short or tall, black or white,
male or female – it’s about performance,” Edwards said.
“When you see a female with those captain bars on, you know
she got them because she performs. And you respect that. And
if you don’t respect that, you don’t belong with this
Through the Tuskegee program, almost 1,000
pilots and more than 15,000 ground personnel were trained.
What was expected to be a failed experiment of black pilots
in the military flourished.
Tuskegee Airmen completed
almost 1,500 missions, and destroyed more than 260 enemy
aircraft, sank one enemy destroyer, and demolished numerous
enemy installations.

U.S. Army Air Corps Staff Sgt. Leslie Edwards, a Tuskegee Airman of
the 617th Bombardment Squadron, shares a moment with U.S. Air Force
Staff Sgt. Stephen Teamer, 477th Aircraft Maintenance Squadron crew
chief, at Joint Base Elmendorf-Richardson, Alaska, Oct. 14, 2017.
The 617th Bombardment Squadron was one of the four Tuskegee Airmen
bomber squadrons during World War II that made up the 477th
Bombardment Group. In 2007, the 477th Bombardment Group became the
477th Fighter Group, bringing with it the legacy of Tuskegee Airmen
to Alaska. (U.S. Air Force photo by Senior Airman Curt Beach)
As the F-22 is technologically worlds ahead of the B-25
bomber, so too is the social climate of today to that of the
1940s. And despite the progress, there is still work to be
“We have proven that this nation needs us,”
Edwards said. “We have proven that humankind needs us. And
we have proven that by what we’ve done to move things in the
right direction. All over the world we have proven that.
With our Air Force we have proven that.”
By U.S. Air Force Senior Airman Javier Alvarez
through DVIDS
Copyright 2017
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