U.S. Army Soldiers with Task Force Marauder were
presented with coins from the Chief, National Guard Bureau
November 23, 2017 in Afghanistan for their recent actions in
response to a mass casualty involving U.S. Soldiers.
U.S. Air Force Gen. Joseph Lengyel recognized Soldiers
with Detachment 1, C Company, Medical Evacuation, 2-211th
General Support Aviation Battalion (GSAB) with the Iowa
National Guard and C Company, 4-3 Assault Helicopter
Battalion (AHB), 3rd Combat Aviation Brigade.
Austin David, 2-211th GSAB UH60 crew chief, Chief Warrant
Officer 2 Roy Miller, Det. 1, C Co. 2-211th GSAB UH60 pilot,
1st Lt. Nolan Sampson, Det. 1, C Co. 2-211th GSAB UH60
pilot, Staff Sgt. Justin Meier, Det. 1, C Co. 2-211th GSAB
platoon sergeant and flight medic, Sgt. Michael Schultz,
Det. 1, C Co. 2-211th GSAB flight medic, Chief Warrant
Officer 3 Caleb Kittrell, C Co. 4-3 AHB UH60 pilot, Chief
Warrant Officer 2 Allen Gardner, C Co. 4-3 AHB UH60 pilot,
and Spc. Heriberto Marrero, C Co. 4-3 AHB UH60 crew chief,
responded to a vehicle borne improvised explosive device
strike against an American convoy November 13, 2017, which left
four U.S. Soldiers wounded.

November 23, 2017 - U.S. Army Soldiers with Task Force Marauder were
presented with coins from U.S. Air Force Gen. Joseph Lengyel,
Chief, National Guard Bureau in Afghanistan for their recent actions
in response to a mass casualty involving U.S. Soldiers. Lengyel
recognized Soldiers with Detachment 1, C Company, Medical
Evacuation, 2-211th General Support Aviation Battalion (GSAB) with
the Iowa National Guard and C Company, 4-3 Assault Helicopter
Battalion (AHB), 3rd Combat Aviation Brigade, who responded to a
vehicle borne improvised explosive device strike against an American
convoy November 13, 2017, which left four U.S. Soldiers wounded.
Task Force Marauder consists of Soldiers from South Carolina
National Guard, Illinois National Guard, Iowa National Guard, as
well as active duty component and provides aviation capabilities
with AH64 Apaches, UH60 Black Hawks, CH47 Chinooks, and medevac
assets in Afghanistan under the 3rd Combat Aviation Brigade while
deployed. (U.S. Army photo National Guard by Capt. Jessica Donnelly)
The crews answered the
call for assistance and once they reached the incident,
Meier and Schultz exited the aircraft to assess the number
and priority of casualties, explained U.S. Army Capt. Erin
Doyle, Det. 1, C Co. 2-211th GSAB commander. Meier provided
medical care to the patients on the first helicopter, as
Schultz remained on the ground with the remaining patient
until the next helicopter landed. All patients were then
transported for follow-on medical care.
“You all are
heroes,” said Lengyel. “I couldn’t be more proud…you were
ready and reacted to save lives.”
Lengyel added, the
skill and training of the Task Force Marauder Soldiers was
evident in the speed of which they reacted when service
members were in need, getting the patients to follow-on care
within an hour of the incident taking place.
were ready to do your job,” he said. “Thank you for what you
Task Force Marauder consists of Soldiers from
South Carolina National Guard, Illinois National Guard, Iowa
National Guard, as well as active duty component and
provides aviation capabilities with AH64 Apaches, UH60 Black
Hawks, CH47 Chinooks, and medevac assets in Afghanistan
under the 3rd Combat Aviation Brigade while deployed.
By U.S. Army National Guard Capt. Jessica Donnelly
through DVIDS
Copyright 2018
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