Patriot Artist
by David G. Bancroft
USA Patriotism!
August 30, 2010
Recently, I had the pleasure of having an enjoyable
extended phone conversation with the internationally
acclaimed, Beverly Hills-based painter, Metin Bereketli
is the artist of the
memorable masterpiece, “God Bless America”, that
was inspired after the tragic events of September 11, 2001.

And while this wonderful painting captures Metin Bereketli's love
and pride of America, the same emotions are quite evident when
speaking with him ... as indicated by this caring patriot's
following words...
"It is my
sincere honor to respect those who have served and are serving our
country and protecting freedom. I wish for everyone to use
these stamps in remembrance, particularly on September 11th, the 9th
anniversary of this tragic day.
repercussions of 9/11 are so much greater than just that day, and
they affect all parts of the world ... Know that your patriotic
support will also help those who are living with autism today and
offer them the comfort of knowing that other people care."
"God Bless America" masterpiece was also used for a collectible U.S.
postage stamp.
Bereketli explained to me that divine inspiration plays a great part
in the creation of his paintings, communicating important human
messages about healing and the promotion of world peace ... and
appealing to the eyes and heart ... that his "God Bless America"
masterpiece wonderfully illustrates along with
his God Bless America
Moreover, Metin Bereketli paintings are not only a display of
vivid colors and powerful imagery, but a "celebration of oneness
with the human family in the circle of life". His
generous support of numerable charities with his artwork also
echoes his artistic intent.
He has also earned the esteem of many American Leaders, such as
Presidents Clinton, Bush and Carter, various members of Congress and
U.S. Senate; numerous State Governors and Senators; and members of
the U.S. Supreme Court.
Bereketli's contemporary works have been featured in museums,
galleries and exhibitions worldwide including Sotheby's of London,
The California Science Center Exposition Park, The Istanbul Stock
Exchange, Pacific Design Center, Hollywood & Highland, Playboy
Mansion, House of Blues, Peterson Automotive Museum, The Gardens of
The Page Museum, Paramount Pictures, Universal Studios, and many
television shows.
His unbridled feeling for our beloved USA should be bottled for
those fellow citizens, who need a boost in their pride of America
... which unfortunately might have
to the pre-911 level. (I surely hope not!)
You can even
buy merchandise with Metin Bereketli's "God Bless America"
arwork on it ... like the personalized coffee mug on the left.
Metin Bereketli
can add me to the list of those who applaud him for his patriotism
through his artwork, charitable efforts, and everyday life ...
along with being his friend.
David G. Bancroft
Founder/Owner USA Patriotism!