Obama Praises Intelligence Community's Success, Diligence
(October 12, 2009) | 
| WASHINGTON, Oct. 6, 2009 – President Barack Obama today praised members of the
U.S. intelligence community, saying the terrorist attacks they've foiled have
saved countless American lives.
Speaking at the National Counterterrorism Center in McLean, Va., Obama referred
to several recent high-profile arrests of alleged terrorist plotters in Denver,
New York, Illinois and Texas, saying the arrests have made the United States
“The record of your service is written in the attacks that never occur because
you thwarted them, and in the countless Americans who are alive today because
you saved them,” he said. “For that, America is in your debt.”
Obama credited counterterrorism operators' vigilance, attention to warning signs
and cooperation across organizations with leading to the arrests of terror
suspects in recent weeks, noting that such efforts often occur away from the
“Few Americans know about the work that you do, and this is how it should be,”
he said. “Your assignments require it, and obviously, you didn't go into this
line of work for the fame and glory or the glare of the spotlight. You're in it
to serve and protect.
“So I say to every American, ‘You see the headlines, but here are some of the
people who help write them, who keep you safe,'” he added. “And I say to all of
you, ‘You are setting the standard. You're showing us what focused and
integrated counterterrorism really looks like.'”
The U.S. intelligence community comprises 16 organizations, numerous federal,
state, local and international partners. These collective efforts are
coordinated at the National Counterterrorism Center, where Obama delivered his
message of thanks to those who contribute to ensuring Americans' safety.
“To think about the profound impact that all of you are having on the day-to-day
life of this nation I think is extraordinary,” he said. “Your professionalism is
essential to protecting this country.”
Obama acknowledged that eight years after the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11,
2001, there is still no guarantee there won't be another attack inside the
United States.
“We're facing determined adversaries who are resourceful, who are resilient, and
who are still plotting,” he said. “And no one can ever promise that there won't
be another attack on American soil.
“But I can promise you this: I pledge to do everything in my power as president
to keep America safe,” he continued. “And I pledge to give all of you the tools
and support you need to get the job done around the world and here at home. And
I pledge to stay focused on that mission, just as you stay focused on your
Underscoring the global nature of terrorist threats, Obama cited threats
emanating not only from the Middle East, but also from East Africa, Southeast
Asia and Europe. He said the international reach of the intelligence network is
making strides in the country's primary objective.
“Because of you and all the organizations you represent, we're making real
progress in our core mission: to disrupt, dismantle, and defeat al-Qaida and
other extremist networks around the world,” he said.
“We must never lose sight of that goal. That's the principal threat to the
American people. That is the threat that led to the creation of this center. And
that must be the focus of our efforts to defend the homeland and our allies, and
defeat extremists abroad,” Obama added. |
By John J. Kruzel
American Forces Press Service Copyright 2009
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