Twelve members from the longest running military service
organization in the United States, the Legion of Valor, toured Joint
Base Langley-Eustis, April 21, 2017.
Founded originally as
the Medal of Honor Legion in 1890, the Legion of Valor was later
chartered by an act of Congress in 1955, adding U.S. Air Force Cross
recipients to the organization.

April 21, 2017 - U.S. Army Command Sgt. Maj. Stephen Travers, Army
Capabilities Integration Center command sergeant major, asks Retired
U.S. Army 1st Sgt. Claude Quick, Legion of Valor member, to sign
"Courage in Combat: Stories By and About Recipients of the Nation’s
Highest Decorations", a book written by the members of the Legion of
Valor during a tour at Joint Base Langley-Eustis, VA. Quick was
presented the Distinguished Service Cross at the Hall of Honor in
Washington, D.C. 25 years after retiring from the Army. (U.S. Air Force photo by Airman 1st Class Kaylee Dubois)
Legion of Valor members are recipients of the nation’s
highest recognition for heroism in combat, either receiving
the Distinguished Service Cross and Navy Cross to the
Congressional Medal of Honor or Air Force Cross, and are
honored through the organization.
Each year, members
of the Legion of Valor gather for an annual convention to
enhance their understanding of current military affairs and
provide mentorship from personal accomplishments or
failures. This year, Newport News was chosen for the
convention, which included a tour of Fort Eustis.
To kick-off the tour, members visited the
U.S. Army Training and Doctrine Command to learn about the
future of armed conflict, briefed by U.S. Army Maj. Gen.
Robert Dyess, Army Capabilities Integration Center acting
Following the briefing, Soldiers were able
to speak one-on-one with the Legion of Valor members, making
connections through shared memories of their time in the
After talking with the decorated veterans,
Dyess felt strongly about making ties with the group and
learning from the time they spent fighting our country’s
“When you think clearly about the future of
armed conflict, you think about threats, enemies,
adversaries, our missions, changing technology, history and
lessons learned. These guys are walking lessons learned and
walking history,” said Dyess. “It’s important to recognize
these Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen and Marines that have
sacrificed so much for our country. It’s also important to
gather their observations and lessons learned because war is
a human endeavor and they have seen the worst of it.”
While some of the Legion of Valor members operated
weapon simulators during the tour of the Maritime Intermodal
Training Department, retired U.S. Army 1st Sgt. Claude
Quick, stayed to view portraits and displays on the walls of
the quiet halls. Quick, a Medical Corpsman of 11 years and a
Military Police Office for the duration of his time in
service, experienced the war in Vietnam and now has a
difficult time being around loud noises. Twenty-Five
years after retiring from the Army, Quick received the
Distinguished Service Cross at the Hall of Honor in
Washington, D.C. in front of his friends and patients he
treated in Vietnam.
“The Legion of Valor allows us to
be normal human beings,” said Quick with tears forming in
his eyes. “We know everyone in this group has basically the
same story. To be in group where we don’t have to tell our
stories and worry about the long recovery afterwards is a
comforting feeling.”
After visiting several unit
across the installation from Third Port to the 128th
Aviation Brigade, the heroes ended their tour at the U.S.
Army Transportation Museum, surrounding themselves in Army
The museum houses an extensive Vietnam War
exhibit, including a downed UH-1 Iroquois helicopter and the
only surviving Vietnam-era gun trunk. Throughout the museum,
the Legion of Valor members were brought back through parts
of history that they endured to ensure a future of freedom
for generations to come.
Quick added looking at his
fellow veterans, “To be in a group now ... where everyone of
these people ... are heroes ... national emblems of our
country ... is amazing.”
information about the Legion of Valor
By U.S. Air Force Airman 1st Class Kaylee Dubois
through DVIDS
Copyright 2017
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