Our great country has a rich history of individuals stepping above self for
country's sake as shown by the Founding Fathers, Medal of Honor recipients,
other valiant heroes, and noble patriots
Well, that is the case with Fredrick Douglass . . . a self-taught,
intelligent man born into slavery who achieved freedom through gut wrenching
And as a free man with his indomitable spirit fully unleashed, Fredrick
Douglass went forward with resolute purpose . . . becoming the 19th century
civil rights leader and an unyielding scholarly advocate of the constitution . .
. equaled by his great love and pride of America.
Moreover, Fredrick Douglass was an important advisor to President Lincoln,
who he convinced to allow Blacks to fight for the North in the Civil War by
saying . . . "Allow us the dignity to fight for our
own freedom" . . . which changed the direction of the war and all
that was to follow.
This visionary man was truly a blessing to America . . . and none more so
than at this critical time!
So, it is very fitting as we celebrate the birth of the USA in a few days on
July 4th . . . to proudly announce the recognition of
Fredrick Douglass as a Great
American Patriot by USA Patriotism!