MALMSTROM AIR FORCE BASE, Mont. - With 147,000 square miles of
pristine forests, lakes and rivers, Montana is home to some of the
finest outdoor activities nature lovers can experience. Scattered
throughout the state are vast national parks, expedition centers and
hiking trails, all of which are focused on providing those with an
adventurous spirit an outlet to explore.
For Airmen looking
for a little exploration close to home, Montana's Sluice Boxes State
Park offers easy-to-navigate trails and panoramic views of Belt
Creek as it carves its way through the limestone cliffs of the
Forty-five minutes from base, the park offers people
a place to fish, camp, float, hike, swim and even hunt during
certain times of the year. Nearby, are the Little Belt Mountains and
the Lewis and Clark National Forest, which also offer many of the
same activities as the Sluice Boxes and even more opportunities for
one to lose themselves in nature.
For this adventure, my
expedition started at the top of a beautiful cliff, which overlooked
the valley and river below. From there, I could see an abandoned
cabin that no longer offered color to the surrounding countryside as
its exterior had suffered countless years of neglect and exposure to
the elements.
For a photographer, the park is a wonderland
that offers Kodak moments almost every step of the way. For a hiker
or even a beginning adventure seeker who is starting to find their
comfort zone in the world of backwoods travel, the trails provide an
easy trek while still offering the views most others risk life and
limb for.
There are two main routes that lead into the Sluice
Boxes – the easier of the two starts at the entrance of the canyon
and follows the Belt Creek River almost the entire way into the
park. For the second, a drive to the top of the main cliff on a
gravel road will take you to multiple starting points that
eventually link to trails on the river below.
May 2, 2015 - Near the Little Belt Mountains and cutting more than
seven miles into the wilderness, Montana's Sluice Boxes State Park
is just 45 minutes away from Malmstrom Air Force Base, Montana.
The park offers hiking, swimming, camping and fishing for those
looking for outdoor activities ... and is one of the closest hiking destinations
from Malmstrom Air Force Base to visit. (U.S. Air Force photos by Airman 1st Class Collin Schmidt)
As I hiked with camera in hand, a distance that would
normally take someone an hour to traverse took me almost
double the time. Everywhere I looked there was a photo
opportunity. Personally, ever since learning photography, my
eyes have turned into homing beacons that can't help but
notice various angles and scenes that make my camera trigger
finger twitch.
About halfway into the canyon, the
trail that I had chosen was roughly 50 to 100 feet high
above the river. My legs were sore from weight training and
constantly going up and down in elevation was a challenge,
but the lure of the trail kept me wanting to go farther and
Before this, I never actually looked up the
park online. I heard plenty of stories about fellow Airmen
who decided to take a day and explore – every one of them
positive and exciting. Though, had I known the specific
trail I was on, I would probably have skipped leg day.
The most memorable part of the adventure was the
pristine panoramic views taking the cliff-side trail
Not enough can be said of the feeling you
get when conquering a new adventure.
In total, the
Sluice Boxes cut roughly several miles into the wilderness
ending at an abandoned bridge. The hike can be completed in
a single day and is a perfect venture for anyone who would
like to learn the ropes before moving on to bigger and more
intense trails.
The views are amazing. Dotted along
the historic route are abandoned buildings and remnants of
prospectors who lived day in and day out trying to strike it
rich. There is a lot of history behind the sights.
I made my way back to the vehicle, every photo I had taken
and panoramic pictures' splendor was stuck in my head. Even
now, the urge to just get up and go back still tugs on my
adventurous side.
But I know - more is out there to
be explored. That was just the beginning of my Montana
By U.S. Air Force Airman 1st Class Collin Schmidt
through DVIDS Copyright 2015
Learn more about Montana's Sluice Boxes State Park
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