President Trump Starts
Fast ... Keeping Promises!
by David G. Bancroft,
USA Patriotism! Founder/Owner January 31, 2017
President Donald Trump just took over the reins of the Executive
Branch of the U.S. Government 11 days ago on the 20th
... it seems much longer ... in a good way ...
as the Trump administration wasted little time in acting
upon ... the promises made during the election campaign
with executive orders ... and the intent of enacting necessary
legislation with the support of a Republican majority in
both houses of Congress ... including the nomination of
Judge Neil Gorsuch to the Supreme Court.

January 24, 2017 - President Donald J. Trump signs
Executive Orders to advance the construction of
the Keystone XL and Dakota Access pipelines ...
keeping his promise to expedite projects that will
create jobs and increase national security. Vice
President Mike Pence and other White House senior
staff witnessed President Trump signing the Executive
Orders. (White House courtesy photo) |
Nor does there appear to be any honeymoon period for the
Trump administration from elected officials and members
of the media who were expecting / hoping for a different
outcome to the election. And while every American has the
right to express how they feel about the actions taken by
the Trump administration already ... it seems very ironic
on what is being stated and reported relative to how actions
taken by the previous administration ... were received by
those who disagreed with them.
The bitter taste of
frustration and other emotions being felt ... When the shoe
is on the other foot ... is very difficult to swallow ...
and unable to digest ... if ever ... for many. The sad truth
of who wins the Presidential election, especially when it
involves a majority in the legislative branch too ... can
be overwhelming on many levels ... with reactions like the
ones that have already occurred.
My hope is that President Trump and Vice President Pence
will work with Congress to...
Reduce the national debt before it becomes an
intolerable burden to all Americans, especially the
middle class
Securing our beloved homeland against terrorist attacks
3) Do all they can to reach across the aisle whenever
possible to achieve a bi-partisan agreement ... with the
understanding that
political mindset is a very difficult obstacle to overcome
when trying to achieve an acceptable outcome for both sides.
One more thing ... the
U.S. Constitution dictates the protocol / circumstances
of majority rule ... regardless how many "rightfully"
disenchanted Americans, including politicians and even those
in "objective" media ... seem to dismiss this
fundamental of America's democratic process ... Elections do have
consequences ... including how the other side might
react ... to what is said and done!
David G. Bancroft
USA Patriotism!
Author of books...
American Pride, Cemetery Woods, Waking Dreams & Mere
Chance |