I also suspect
there are those who will say . . . where was God at any given time in America's past or
present when it relates to a particular event.
All I can say is . . . God given free will applies to
all with each one accountable to Him, no matter if you try to
rationalize differently.
Besides wishing it never happened . . . Would you prefer different
outcomes to the Civil War, World War I, and World War II?
I sure find it hard to visualize anything very
positive just with a different outcome to World War II. Think about
America without its achievements and the leaders, who you admire
since World War II. Then there is the question about freedom
itself . . . let alone all the rights associated with being an American.
So, I say thank God for all who have made America what She is today
. . . allowing Her to overcome the actions of those who caused
internal and external strife . . . with special thoughts for the
brave fallen, who we honor every Memorial Day.
I also invite you to read my poem, God and Country,
that I wrote with the above in mind. |